Terms of Service

GoAstrologer makes no guarantees or representations regarding the accuracy or significance of astrological readings or predictions. GoAstrologer will not be held responsible for any action taken due to information given by astrologers on GoAstrologer panel.

GoAstrologer believes astrology is NOT a proven science and advices users to use their own discretion while using any advice received via this platform. Read the disclaimer.

We do not endorse any advice or readings that the astrologers on GoAstrologer panel might offer to the users. We do not take responsibility for, nor assume any liability for any advice offered by the astrologers.

Any readings received via GoAstrologer should not be treated as a substitute as advice received from a professional. You acknowledge that you will not use GoAstrologer for questions that need a medical, legal, psychiatrist or financial professional. Any information on GoAstrologer should be used for educational or entertainment purposes only.
