Browse Astrologers with location:hyderabad

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Vipra Kumar


I have under gone the basic three years course in a renowned Astrological Institute in Bangalore and continued the advanced course there it self. Meanwhile, I was trained under the guidance of ...
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I am an astrologer with 40 years of experience in vedic astrology by applying Parasara system, Yogini dasa in timing events such as Profession,Marriage, Love, Birth of children Diseases finance etc ...
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Vinay Jain


Hello, I learnt astrology since 5 years so am quite expert in it and want to help people with right predictions...
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I'm a learner astrologer and have an experience of 8+ year's in this field. I'm expert in marriage predictions and I'm a spiritual healer too. I suggest easy and friendly remidies for your problems.
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Narasimha K V


Total having more than 15 years of experience in resolving issues like Professional settlement, Business, Marriage, Personal growth, Love affairs, Higher education, debts clearance, Onsite ...
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Nagarjuna Kagita


Myself Nagarjuna Kagita, have a decade of experience in Jyotish shastra especially In Vedic astrology, KP, Jaimini and Match making method of predictions, have consultation experience in both online ...
born to service
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Ravi Teja Chillara


Hello about Myself i am a master of consciousness studies, studied Veda's and science simultaneously, professor in metaphysics & quantum physics, able to give advice on each and every aspect of the ...
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Krishna Chaitanya


Om namaha shivaya.Very accurate remedies in astrology.Skilled in astrology,prasna and muhurtha. Very accuarate in predictions regarding any life problem and counsellor as well.
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Naveen Kumar


5 years experience in vedic astrology,mantras,puja,vedic astrology, remedial astrology.
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Hari K


Having 15 years experience in giving astrology solutions with pin pointed suggestions .
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Virendra Singh


I am Nadi Astrologer
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I am vedic and kp astrologer for 3 years experience for client service education career marriage health and finance etc
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Aadhytyaa Ddev


Hi this aadhytyaa ddev. i have profound knowledge in vedic vasthu ,mahavasthu ,chinese numerology and basic numerology. i have been in this profession from 2 years bt have been leaning this subject ...
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Dr Kumar


I am an Astrologer and Numerologist having 12 years experience in Astrology..Finished PG Diploma in Astrology with 88% also got PhD in Astrology Honoured with 6 Awards & 3 Gold Medals and ...
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Sanketh Sharma


Aacharya sankethsharm is a professional astrologer from siddipet district of telangana India, he has 15+years of experience in the field of Vedic astrology, agama and Vasthu shastra He has completed ...
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Dheeraj Kumar


Hi i am astrologer having experience of five years.
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Ch Ramessh Kumar


advanced numerology, astrology & vasthu ensures peace happiness health and prosperity. SANKYA VASTU RATNA CH RAMESSH KUMAR MA MBA M.Com PGDIRPM Numerologist and vàasthu consultant. Consultation ...
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Rohith Sharma A


Im Astrologer and occultist my main experience was in vedic astrology,vasthu,muhurtha,mantra,pal mistry,nadi,puja I can give my clients best suggestions for there problems in life, having 10 years of ...
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Jyothi Kota


I am a vedic astrologer and interested to learn more and more. I have nearly ten years plus experience in vedic astrology
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Neeli Suneel


I am having a natural instinct to know the subject of astrology and explored the deep roots of our Vedic systems linked with Astrology or Jyotishyam given by our sages, I explored so many books ...
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Prashana astrology and palmistry my experience in both subjects are from ten years as my grandfather was the guru for me Sri late kishanrao pale it began my passion in these subjects
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I have a knowledge on Vedic astrology, i can analyse your marriage related matters, foreign travel matters, family matters etc. I have a 5+ year's of experience into Astrology.
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Pandit, Purohit, Pujari and Expert in Jyotish, Astrology, Kindali Chart, Navamsha Jyothish, Divine Healing, Cracking Ill-Fate Walls, Bringing ways to life, Maha Kundalini expert, Shaktipath, ...
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I am a generational astrologer. My ancestors were localized astrologers within the community. I learned astrology from my late father, and I specialize in Vedic astrology for the past 30 + years. ...
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Anusha Swapna


Good in MS office. Good in typing. I am a spiritual person. I believe in positive and negative energy. I learned astrology through Internet.
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Kulashekhar Rao


I completed degree and learned astrology also along with one temple poojari.
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Studied astrology for 40 years all types of astrology Can give predictions want to have some money by doing this I am retired engineer
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Kavyasree Nagoju


I have experiance astrology past 7 years
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Sanjeev Sharma ...


Dr.sanjeev sharma guruji gives you all the details about the correlation between science and spirituality, about Kundalini vignanam, Laya yoga vignanam, Dhyana yogam, Sidha vidhyalu, Shad ...
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Am an Purohit and Astrologer to predict by kundali all the matchmaking, job and Career, Kids, education, and also Muhurtas, and poojas
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Astrologer andikad in hyderabad. Will let u know what to do or not to do during bad or good time.let u know about yours star's and there effects on one can change your destiny but atleast ...
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I had done MA Astrology from Sri Potti Sriramulu University, Hyderabad. Basically I am an Engineering graduate and since a decade I am following astrological items. ICAS was first I had completed my ...
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Azra Osman Bawahab


that God moves in extremely mysterious, not to say, circuitous ways. God does not play dice with the universe; He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the ...
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Hello Everyone, I having 10 years of experience in giving predictions using Vedic astrology and horary. I give predictions in important areas of life like career, business, education, marriage ...
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Hello i am tarot reader. I say about future accurate prediction by Tarot cards
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Got real practical knowledge and good experience with Vedic astrology and Numerology and also knows it's usage and limitations. Good at Career,Business and Financial related astrological ...
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Razi Mattoo


I'm a Vedic Astrologer with expertise in medical and psychological astrology.
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4 years experience in vedic astrology and serviced more than 4000 customers.
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Kiran Kumar


I have bee practising astrology since 4 years and analysed over 1000 charts.
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Sri Ramoji Charan


I am practising astrologer since last 4 years . i have proved my professionalism in predicting various areas of general public like marriage health child birth and education etc. i also have good ...
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Srinivas H S


Iam pursuing MA Astrology 2nd year, I have 7 years experience in vedic astrology.
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Avneet Kaur


No bio available.
Jeevan is a Vedic astrologer with fine experience of over 7 years. He is having profound knowledge in the field of Vedic astrology, KP astrology, Vastu Sashtra and Gemstones. He is an expert in ...
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Rudra Bhairav


Hi i am rudrabhairav expert in vedic astrology lalkitabh numerology pamistry with 10 years of experience
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Vaibhav Vishal


I can solve any kind of problem in my own way but the person should have faith.
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Iam a astrologer and rig ved scoler
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As an astrologer I have an insightful, knowledg in astrology, and combine analytical skills with intuition to interpret celestial influences. I am empathetic, offer compassionate guidance to ...
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Sunil Rao


Due to the intrest in astrology i had started learning astrology since 2006 with the help of sri acharya Nagaraju garu .Who cleared several doubts in astrology and i started my own predections in ...
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Phani Avuthu


I am Phani, and I would just like to introduce myself as an astrology lover and enthusiast from Hyderabad. I have seen how astrology helped people to overcome their problems in life. It fascinated me ...
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Anusha Rapetti


Having 20 years Ancestral Spiritual experience in VEDIC ASTROLOGY,,KP & NADI SHASTRA following traditions from three generations of NASHIK and DEVOTEE OF SHIRDI SAI BABA Residing in Hyderabad now is ...
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I am a skilled tarot reader and Vedic astrologer with over 10 years of experience in guiding individuals on their life paths. Combining the intuitive insights of tarot with the ancient wisdom of ...
Hi I'm Ali and I'm trained and certified Astrologer in various fields. I have an experience and workes with clients to resolve there issues and problems through determine the next action to be taken. ...
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Am Manoj Kumar Bhutale, Basically Civil Engineer, due to my passion last 10years onwards am practicing... numerology, vastu,vedic astrology and five Elements theory & I have my own astrology group ...
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hi iam kushal
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Mohan Krishna


I am practicing as an astrologer from the past 20 years. I have learnt vedic astrology and offering predictions to my clients from various backgrounds.
You will gladly let me know how the horoscope results I tell you and the remedies I suggest will be of great help to your life.
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Pravallika J


I am very much passionate about future predictions and i love easing the life's of people. I enjoy helping them know the right moves at the right timing. Life will get way better when we know the ...
Professional astrologer for the last two decades. P Great Diploma in jyotish 2000 from Bharatiya Vidya bhavan New Delhi while I was working with Doordarshan. Retired as Additional director general ...
born to service
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Cvs Chakrapani


Myself C.V.S.Chakrapani, Done my Jyotishya Praveena, Jyotishya Visharadha Jyotishya Bhushana, Jyotishya Prabhakar, Jyotishya Rishi, Vasthu acharya, Vasthu Visharadha in ICAS (Indian Council of ...
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Samudrala Sreedhar


Vedic astrologer over period of 5 years.
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vedic astrology ,specialist in match making and business predictions
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I am Raghavendra I have experience in westren astrology.I used my secound skill of astrology is basic nadi concepts .I am expect in progression in westren astrology to guide people right direction .
nakshatras analysis and applying current transit and observing transit in d9 chart as well as good in snapshot predictions
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Vinay Pasari


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Kondalarav MA (Astrology) ...
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Avneet Kaur


Avni, the trusted astrologer, offers practical solutions to your life's biggest challenges. Whether you want to get your love back, find success in your career, or improve your health, Avni’s expert ...
I have 8 years of experience in handling astro charts D1 D2 D3 D9 ... KP method
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Shilpa Lidhoriye


I’m a Professional Tarot card reader and Healer with an experience of 4years I provide guidance in various aspects of life such as love relationships,career forecast, marriage, business etc. I have ...
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Mahender Reddy


I have best knowledge on parashara as well as nadi astrology.
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Srisailaja G


Muhurtham, prasna, vedic astrology,
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I've known much about astrology learned from my own uncle, but let me tell u astrology can be just predicted, 90% time its correct less can't predict.
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