From 17-Apr-2024 onwards, predictions are free to read. For older predictions you can use the coupon code GAFREE to make the prediction free.
Once you have successfully placed an order, one of our astrologers will answer your question. The average question is answered within 8-10 hours. However on days with heavy backlog (or holidays/weekends) it could take longer. If you have requested for a specific astrologer it can take a lot longer. 95% of questions are answered within 48 hours.
Please be as specific as possible. Include all details - however mundane. Please avoid questions that are unclear or overly broad. Please avoid multiple questions in a single order. Please take care to check all details - especially birth date, birth time (am or pm) and location.
Please try again later. Sometimes astrologers are editing the answers so the payment gets disabled. At other times there are errors in the email / phone no. Sometimes the payment processor is down. If the error persists, please contact us.
Please be patient. There are times when the payment processor does not inform the website about the payment. We will look into it and fix the issue in a couple of hours. Please feel free to contact us.
No, you can't make changes to the question. It is best to delete the question and ask a new one.
No. The astrologer can only see your name, question and birth details only. Your email and phone no. are hidden for your privacy. You are strongly urged to not leave any personal contact information in the question field.
Orders can be cancelled for various reasons. 1) Unclear question 2) Astrologer objection 3) Heavy volume 4) Existing unpaid orders 5) Refund abuse 6) Quality control
By default questions are public questions and are open to all astrologers. However repeat users can specify astrologer(s). Note that opting for specific astrologers can cause long delays to get a reading.
Yes, we do offer discount coupons for special occasions. Some of them are time limited, some are restricted based on DoB, and others are valid for special days.
No, astrology is not a proven science. It is an opinion that you need to consider before accepting. Please read the disclaimer.
Yes. You can leave a private or public review for the prediction. If you do not leave a review within 7 days - the form will be disabled. Read more
Yes. Astrologers can see your review history (the question and answer are hidden) to let them choose their questions carefully. If you have a history of unreasonable ratings/reviews, then the astrologers might skip your question.
If you are not satisfied with a reading, you will have the choice to get another astrologer to reply to the question FREE of cost. If you are still not satisfied, we will refund you the money.
Please click on the "Delete" button to stop the reminders. This will permanently delete the reading.
For user's privacy we sometimes change the name to Anon (short for anonymous) or User001.
After 14 days, the reading will get archived. After 180 days, it may get permanently deleted. The user can also delete the reading at any time. These measures are for privacy of the user.
You can use the Archive option.
Astrology is not a replacement for a good therapist or modern medicine. If you are having depression or anxiety, please contact one of these organisations.
Tags: help