Astrologer Goonaratnam Kumar
Does your child's spending make you want to pull your hair out ??
If so ,then this article is for you !
Find out how Astrological Remedies can help you get your child's spending under control
These kids are primarily ruled by Martian Energies -- Therefore the most appropriate remedies for these kids is to encourage them to go for outdoor activities rather then allowing them to sit at home -- outdoor sports activities are very good for these kids -- Also recitation/listening of Hanuman Chalisa on Tuesdays is very good for these children to help them learn money handling properly
These kids are ruled by Venusian Energies -- Therefore teaching them to always dress properly & not shabbily -- improves their Venus which helps them in proper money management -- Also making these children listen to Sree Sooktam or Durga Chalisa -- is a very effective remedy to make them financially responsible
These kids are ruled by the expansive energies of the gas giant Jupiter -- A time tested remedy to teach such kids proper money management is to encourage them to spend time with the elders in the house -- especially the grandparents -- Words of Wisdom from the elders in these children's ears regarding money management can do wonders for these kids
These are the kids ruled by the prince of the zodiac -- Mercury -- Remedy for these kids is that their diet should have a good portion of green leafy vegetables + these kids should be encouraged to feed green fodder to cows on Wednesdays -- this will help develop the positive side of mercury in them which makes them very good with their spending habits
A golden remedy for such kids is to teach them that there are people in this world who are less fortunate than them -- & they must help the poor & the needy - this line of thinking balanced the energies of Saturn & helps make these kids financially prudent
Ruled by the gentle & ever wavering energies of Moon -- A simple yet very effective remedy for such kids is to make them donate some copper coins in the temple & pray to lord Krishna for sadh - buddhi -- This will help these kids have the right frame of mind & be disciplined in money matters
Royal King Planet Sun rules these kids so to balance the surya energy & to teach such kids money management -- encourage them to recite or atleast listen to Gayatri Mantra everyday or minimum atleast on Sundays -- this makes these kids strong mentally to resist overspending impulses within them
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