Astrologer Nagarajan.S
Based on India's horoscope, presently, Moon Maha Dasha from 2015 to 2025, Saturn Antar Dasha/Bhukti is running. Here Moon denotes Public sentiments. Moon also the weakest Planet representing emotions, public, and happiness, etc.
In India's chart, Moon placed in its own sign of Cancer Rasi of 3rd house of communication, valour, neighbors, and sports. So, this period will have great connectivity among masses through the Internet for online communications for all sectors like profession, college, and School.
Accordingly, as per the earlier original proposal of JEE/NEET examinations dues in April 2020 were postponed to September 2020. Some of the Political opposition parties and their some of the candidates of JEE/NEET protests erupted in Social Media with candidates seeking the postponement of these examinations till the Covid-19 pandemic ebbs and the flood-related situation in many states across the country Improves. Applicants also expressed concerned about the issues such as the lack of transport facilities and inevitable crowding if the exams are not postponed. Some of the political parties are joint hands and proposed to PIL in Supreme Court against the Government Decision for conducting of JEE/NEET examinations.
Meanwhile, a counter-petition has also been launched by the parents and students on seeking postponement of these two examinations. Since Moon being the 3rd lord, Govt. will find it quite difficult to control such agitations. Since Moon being the 3rd lord and which is 12th from the 4th house of happiness, this period will generally, cause loss of happiness for the public. But the Medical Council of India has filed an affidavit in Supreme Court against postponing of NEET exam.-2020. The council is of the view that the NEET exam can't be further postponed, since that if any further postponement leads to a situation where there would be too many deviations from the council's time schedule.
Also, the council said that it would not be possible for them to arrange any examination centers in outside India and it said further delay in conducting NEET exams would delay and seriously affect the academic calendar even further and can impinge the calenders in subsequent years to come. Government officials say that 9.53 lakhs candidates have registered for JEE, scheduled on 27/9/20, and 15.97 lakhs students have registered for NEET is scheduled on 13/09/2020. NTA also stated that most of the students are welcome the decision of Govt for conducting these examinations in September and they seem to be breathing a sigh of relief at finally having the date for the UG engineering and Medical Entrance tests.
NTA and Govt also confirmed that JEE/NEET examinations will not be postponed further and it will be held as per scheduled dates and all safety precautions for students, invigilators, and checking personal will have strictly adhered. The social distance between students will be maintained and all students must be wearing Mask and Glouses along with water bottles and sanitizer before entering into the examination halls. So, there is a bright chance of conducting JEE/NEET examinations during September 2020 as per the scheduled dates. However, Govt will face so many problems due to the lack of transport facilities during the examinations.
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