Astrologer Perminder Singh
Lucky number may be found on two basis.
The single digit birth date of the only for example if I am born on 12th , the single digit comes to 1+2=3 or if born on 29 then 2+9= 11 & again 1+1= 2.
The single digit number by adding all the digit of date of birth ex. 24.02.1967 then 2+4+0+2+1+9+6+7= 31= 4.
This single digit number is my lucky number.
The total of you mobile number digits when converted to single digit should come out to be the same as your lucky number of birth as shown above.So mobile number should be selected accordingly. Mobile number digits should be of ten digits only excluding the area code. It is also recommended that mobile number should not contain more than two zeros. Zero digit should not appear more than twice. Your birth date number donates your personality and important mental traits as number 1 to 9 is related to 9 planets. Similarly the mobile number digit indicate your personality and if not commensurate to lucky number will not suit you and number needs to changed in accordance to your personality. Suitability of mobile number is very significant. There for it is appropriate to mention the traits of nine numbers so that you can check that mobile number is suitable to you and your personality.
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