How is the per question fees calculated ?

GoAstrologer calculates the astrologer fees per question based on an algorithm. Users pay after getting answer, but the astrologers are paid in advance. This makes it important for us to guess which users are going to pay, and which are not. So some questions have a high fee (likely to be paid for), while others are low fee. This algorithm takes in account various signals, and arrives a final number.

Here is a table with the signals that influence this fees.

Universal signals

These signals apply to all questions uniformly.

Signal Importance
Total pending questions ★ ★
Aggregate astrologer activity (How many questions have been answered in the last hour) ★ ★ ★
What time of the day it is ★ ★
Is it a weekday or weekend ?

User signals

These signals are specific to the user who asked the question.

Signal Importance
Question word count ★ ★ ★
Presence or absence of certain keywords
Is the user a repeat user ? ★ ★
User conversion ratio (percent answers paid for or attempt to pay or) ★ ★ ★
Is the phone no. in DND ?
Is the Birthinfo incomplete ? ★ ★
No. of astrologers who have skipped the question
Year of birth ★ ★
Is the question recently verified
Hours passed since asking question ★ ★

Astrologer signals

These signals are specific to an astrologer account. They will vary from astrologer to astrologer.

Signal Importance
How old is the astrologer account
No. of questions answered by the astrologer
Avg rating of astrologer ★ ★
Questions answered by the astrologer recently ★ ★ ★
Conversion ratio for the astrologer ★ ★

All these signals affect the fees for a particular question. That is the reason why the fees offered for a question keeps varying through the day.

If the signals are unfavorable, the question fees drop to very low levels. That simply means that we believe that the question is unlikely to be paid for. We do not expect any astrologer to answer those.

For example if a user has asked 5 questions, but never paid for even one, the system automatically sets the price as low as possible. Whereas a user who has asked only 2 questions, but paid for both, will get a higher fees to incentivize the astrologers.

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