How many words should an astrological reading have ?

Posted on 24-Jul-2018

When we ask astrologers to submit readings, we provide them with a minimum word count for each question. The word count normally varies between 80-200 words with the average reading being 125-140 words.

Some users have asked for longer "reports", presumably over 1000+ words.

However we don't think more words are necessarily better. For example, look at this chart.


This chart above depicts engagement rate of email by word count. The sweet spot is 75-100 words. The average user starts losing attention at this point and stops absorbing information.

While laptop/desktop users might be comfortable consuming 500+ words, mobile users may not feel the same way. As of Jul-2018 over 85% of visitors to this site are on a mobile device.

Some questions can be answered in 5 words. Others might take 500. But it is important to remember that accuracy and efficacy of a reading is not proportional to the word count.

This article, for instance, is 162 words.

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