What is UPI ?

UPI - or United Payment Interface - allows you to directly receive money in your bank account without the hassle of typing your account details / IFSC / bank info. If you don't have a UPI address please install the Google Pay app and create a UPI address for free.

Updating your UPI address

If you did not provide your UPI address while creating your profile, you can do it later also. To update your UPI address, please go to Actions > Set UPI address and update your UPI address.


Find out your UPI address

Your UPI ID is an address that identifies you on UPI (typically yourname@bankname).

Bank Sample
ICICI astrologer@icici
PhonePe astrologer@ybl
Google Pay astro@okicici / astro@okhdfcbank / astro@oksbi
BHIM astrologer@upi
PayTM astrologer@paytm

Withdrawing money via UPI

Once you have reached the minimum earnings, the green "Withdraw" button will get activated on your dashboard. You can click on the button and request withdrawal.


We will then transfer your earnings to your UPI address. Your earnings will directly be sent to your bank account.

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